Matter and the Universe

Globi at the University of Bern

In the latest volume in the "Globi Wissen" series, the inquisitive blue bird visits the University of Bern: he has applied to become an astronaut with the European Space Agency (ESA) and wants to learn all about space exploration before the official training begins.

In the latest volume of the "Globi Wissen" series, the blue bird wants to become an astronaut with the European Space Agency ESA in order to fly to the ISS space station. However, before the official training for the budding astronauts begins, Globi is given the task of looking around the whole of Switzerland at institutions that are world leaders in space research - including the University of Bern.

Among other things, Globi learns all about the CHEOPS space telescope, which was developed and built in Bern. And he visits the vacuum chamber in the catacombs of the University of Bern, where space conditions are simulated. All instruments that will one day fly into space are tested and qualified there to ensure they work properly. However, the instruments also have to survive the rocket launch - so Globi also learns in the book how the shaker works: The instruments are placed on this shaking table and then subjected to vibrations as strong as those caused by a rocket launch - a true spectacle that Globi was able to witness.

"Globi in Space" turned out to be a real bestseller: the book reached number one in the "Children's and Young Adult Books" category on the bestseller list immediately after its publication.
