2023 at a glance

At a glance

European university alliances

After joining the ENLIGHT alliance, the University of Bern was able to share its expertise on a variety of subjects over the course of 2023 while also strengthening its international visibility and attractiveness.

Fit for the future

A program entitled “Fit for Future” with twelve fields of action was developed and launched in 2023. Through this program, the University of Bern aims to align its structures, processes and approaches to future requirements and tackle challenges such as the shortage of infrastructure.

Artificial intelligence

One key objective for the University of Bern in 2023 was to help students learn how to handle AI and work together with them to identify the limits of its usefulness and credibility.

Good teaching

The teaching infrastructure and offerings were improved with an eye to the well-being of both students and lecturers.

Excellence in research

The University of Bern celebrated two successes with the extension of the CHEOPS space mission and the WHO’s designation of the Institute for Infectious Diseases as a Collaborating Center.

Initiative Afrique

The launch of the Initiative Afrique puts the spotlight on collaboration with African universities and researchers.

Compass UniBE

Summer 2023 saw 20 refugee students start the Compass UniBE pilot project. Within a one-year period, the participants are prepared for university studies.
