

University Advancement

The University of Bern would like to thank all the donors for their generous support.

We would like to thank all of the individuals, foundations, companies and other organizations who have supported the projects and initiatives implemented at the University of Bern in the past year. Companies are key partners for the University. Their contributions support innovation and development at the University and help to secure its place at the heart of Bern’s business community. Philanthropically motivated funding helps raise the profile of the University of Bern, facilitates research that goes beyond the public budget, allows the University’s strategy to be implemented at a faster rate and enhances Bern’s standing as a center for business and academia. The University of Bern would especially like to thank the donors who support the establishment of a professorship and thus contribute to structurally anchoring and developing a new field of research. Endowed professorships complement the publicly financed basic structure of the University. This guarantees the unrestricted freedom of research and teaching. We would also like to extend our thanks to all individuals, foundations and companies who have made prize money available for specific areas. The University of Bern also honors every individual who has passed away and left a legacy to the University in their will.

Endowed professorships

Name Faculty / Interdisciplinary Research Centre Funder Conclusion of contract

The procedure for filling a professorship takes varying lengths of time. The year in which the contract is concluded may differ from the year in which it is filled.

* Funding completed
